In 1964, just 17-years old, Steven Spielberg created
his first full-length film.

A sci-fi movie called Firelight.

He bootstrapped the entire production for $500. Casting his
friends as actors in the movie and shooting many of the scenes
in his own garage.

The final cut was shown at the Phoenix Little Theatre
in Arizona to an audience of 500 people. Admission cost
just $1.

However, someone ended up paying double and so Steven
made a profit of one dollar!

The theater probably made more just from selling popcorn
and soda pop.

But that $1 turned into a billion-dollar empire for Spielberg.

Important Lesson…

To create a successful business – you first have to learn
how to make your first dollar.

It starts with just a buck. Just ONE sale.

And when it comes to sales and building a group of rabid
followers, there is no greater teacher than Steven Spielberg.

Here are 4 lessons you can learn from the master…

1. Become a storyteller. Spielberg is by far one of the world’s
greatest storytellers. Directing such titles as Jaws, Jurassic Park,
Raiders of the Lost Ark, and E.T.

For an hour or so of your life – you are transported to
another world entirely. Captivated by it’s mystery and
what will happen next.

Stories engage.

Stories create emotion.

Stories make people REMEMBER your message.

Good content can only get you so far.


When you add a dose of entertainment combined with
really good content – now you’ve just sprinkled a
little crack on your content. Not only does it
engage – but it’s addicting!

Infotainment = Information + Entertainment (Secret Formula)

People want to be entertained. They want to be pulled out of
their dull, mundane daily life – even if just for a few minutes.

And you can do just that by serving up daily ‘infotainment’ –
Information + Entertainment.

2. Create Emotion. As a film director, one of Spielberg’s
biggest jobs is to make the audience feel something.

Cry. Laugh. Smile.

If you don’t create an emotional response in your reader, then
you haven’t done your job.

The same is true for online business. You must know your
customer so deeply that you can speak to the feeling and
conversations that are ALREADY taking place inside them.

If you create emotion – they’ll remember you. If you’re
boring, they’ll forget you.

3. Persistence. Spielberg was rejected from film school
three times. So instead he attended California State
University, Long Beach – (which didn’t even have a film program.)

He then worked at Universal Studios as an unpaid intern
for the editing department. Most people would scoff at
an unpaid internship.

But Spielberg had a long-term vision. He knew he would make it.
It was just a matter of when.

Lots of ‘gurus’ try to convince you that there’s some shortcut
and a big red easy button to riches.

But it’s really hard work, sweat, and elbow grease.

I know – I’m not supposed to tell you that 😉

But I’m here to tell you the truth about what it REALLY takes
to succeed online. (Although it might not make me popular.)

But keep in mind although it does require a bit of elbow
grease it is a lot of fun.

In fact, that’s the final secret…

4. LOVE what you do.

Spielberg started making 8mm home movies at the
age of 12. Short dramas and comedies that he would
direct with the neighborhood kids.

Great success comes from people who love what they do.

If you don’t love it – you’ll never create anything of great value.

And if it’s not great – what’s the point?

Put your personality into everything you do – your emails,
your videos, your articles, every piece of content should
be branded with your personality.

This is hands-down the easiest way to stand out in any marketplace.

Don’t be afraid to have fun.

Starting a business is a huge amount of hard work and
requires a great deal of time so you better enjoy what
you’re doing.

Create Magic!

As an entrepreneur, especially online, you have the opportunity
to turn ‘ideas’ into reality.

That concept of taking an idea that you thought of in the
shower or on a run – and then turning that initial thought
or idea into a full-blown product.

That’s the fun stuff.

That’s what Steven Spielberg does.

And that’s what we do 🙂

Create legendary experiences.

Back to the Lab!

– Kim

View the original article here